
São Paulo Bienal

read my article about the exhibition for Daily Serving here

Some highlights:

 Longe daqui, aqui mesmo (Far from here, right here)

 Carlos Bunga Simultâneo, fragmentado, descontínuo (Simultaneous, fragmented, discontinuous), 2010, site-specific installation

 Chim Pom (Inaoka, Mizuno, Okada, Hayashi, Ellie, Ushiro), Brazil Love, 2010, video installation

 Douglas Gordon, Pretty Much Every Film and Video Work from 1992 until Now. TO be Seen on Monitors, Some on Headphones, Others Run Silently, and all Simultaneously, 1992 - ongoing

 Henrique Oliveira, A origem do terceiro mundo (The origin of the third world), 2010, site-specific installation

 Joachim Koester, Tarantism, 2007, 16mm film loop

 Oscar Bony, La familia obrera (The working-class family), 1968/1999, performance, documentation

 Pixação SP, (folhinhas), approx. 1980-2010

 Simon Fujiwara, The Personal Effects of Theo Grünberg, 2010, video, performance, installation

 Tatiana Trouvé, 350 Points towards Infinity, 2009, installation

Yonamine, Os mestres e as criaturas novas (remixstyle) ((The masters and the new creatures (remixstyle))), 2010, installation

Carlos Vergara, Iguais diferentes 1 (Different equals 1), 1972-76 / 2010



 Some voting flyers that can be found scattered around São Paulo and Rio.